Gardening In Pots: How To Start Your Herb Garden

Gardening in pots is a great way to get started with your garden. You can easily move the herbs around, make adjustments as needed and plant more than one variety at once. If you're new to gardening in pots, here are some tips on how best to take care of them!

What You Need

To get started, you'll need to purchase some pots or containers that hold soil and plants. The size of the container will depend on how many herbs you want to grow at once, as well as what type of soil or compost is best for your herb garden. You can buy small-sized pots at home improvement stores or in stores that sell gardening supplies; they'll be cheaper than those at specialty nurseries but still provide enough room for several herbs.

After purchasing your potting mix and planting seeds or seedlings in it, water them until they're completely submerged in water (the amount needed will vary depending on how long it takes for each seedling to germinate). Then remove any excess water by tapping gently on top of each plant with a finger until dry soil appears above its roots—this process should take about 24 hours total. Once done this step, leave all newly planted plants alone so that they can begin growing under proper conditions!

Sheltered location is also an important factor

Another consideration is the location of your herb garden. In general, if you have room for only one or two pots on your balcony or patio, it's best to choose a sheltered location so that cold temperatures don't damage your plants. If you live in an area where there are no walls nearby to protect against cold winds and rains, then this may not be an option for you (unless you want to move indoors).

A sunny spot

In order to grow healthy herbs, you will need to provide them with enough sunlight. Herbs can be grown in pots or in the ground and will thrive if they have access to sunlight at least six hours a day. However, if your garden is going to be indoors and you don't have any windows that let in direct sunlight (or you're trying to make your indoor garden as small as possible), then there are other ways for herbs like basil and mints find their way indoors:

  • Basil grows well on windowsills because it likes bright light but does not require it; simply place basil pots near an east-facing window where they'll get plenty of indirect light but not direct sun exposure

  • Mints (spearmint and peppermint) also grow well indoors because their leaves release oils when touched by air currents from outside - this makes them ideal for drying out before storing them away

Small pots or containers that hold soil and plants.

  • Choose a pot that is the right size for your plant.

  • Pot should have drainage holes, or drill some into it if necessary.

  • Pots can be made of clay, plastic or wood (but not metal). Plastic pots are best for growing herbs in a greenhouse as they tend to retain moisture better than any other material you might use.

Pots of different sizes can be used for each herb.

The size of your pots depends on the size of your herb. If you have a small herb, like basil or mint, then use a small pot. For example, I have a dwarf marjoram plant that uses a 6-inch pot.

If you have larger plants such as oregano or thyme, then use bigger containers. In this case we recommend 12-inch pots for most herbs unless they are very large (like rosemary).

The key thing to remember here is that size doesn't matter—it's all about getting enough light in order to grow healthy plants!

Growing herbs in pots means you can make adjustments as needed.

  • You can move the pots around to find the best sun exposure.

  • You can buy a potting mix that is specifically made for herbs, or use regular potting soil in your garden.

  • Harvest the herbs when you need them and don't worry about disturbing their roots by digging up your plants as often as you would with an outdoor plot (unless of course they're grown underground).

  • Control moisture levels by watering less frequently when they're growing outside and more frequently once they've been transplanted into their new home indoors—but never let them dry out completely!

Caring for your herbs is easy, since they won't have as much competition from weeds.

It's important to note that most herbs will grow well in pots, because they don't have as much competition from weeds. The key is to find the right size container for your plant and make sure it has good drainage holes. You can use a variety of containers, including small pots or containers that hold soil and plants up to about three inches tall; larger containers are also great for growing taller varieties of herbs like thyme or rosemary.

It's easier to find time to garden than you think.

You can find time to garden. It's not that hard, and you might be surprised at how much time it saves.

Here are some ideas:

  • Use your lunch break. If you have a staff meeting or a meeting outside of the office, take a break from the computer and pick up some soil for your plants. You may even have time to plant something while everyone else is still eating lunch!

  • Do it while watching TV or reading under a tree in your backyard during an afternoon nap with your kids (or husband). This is especially helpful if there's no one home because then nobody will even know what was going on while they were gone!

  • Do it while waiting for someone else's carpool shift changeover so they can drive themselves instead of having us drive them around all day long (which would involve driving faster than usual because we're tired)...


There are so many benefits of having your own herb garden. The perfect place to grow your favorite herbs is in a pot, which will require less maintenance than a traditional garden. If you want your herb garden to be organic and pesticide free, then using the right soil mix is important!

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